dimanche 16 mai 2021

Finished bear school house !

 François found for me a set to finish it, at the discount shop. I was still missing a wall, but I made one out of cardboard. I also returned the roof, for the missing part is not showing and ....voilà ! 
2 bedrooms, one will be repainted, 2 bathrooms one used for the laundry set, and then the bathtube is there too, as the original bathroom was crowded. The missing wall is at the top right, but it's not that important, as it's against the shelf side

Now let's see if I can finish or display better well something else
Soon I'll start selling fast food toys and such, I need space, badly

vendredi 14 mai 2021

HacoRoom bear house

 When I saw some discounted (much) at Noz, I got a couple, a web friend offered me some, and François the others. I wish I could have gotten a 2nd bedroom and a 2nd roof to finish it better well, but nevermind, it's yet really nice like this !

kits included on the picture : garden, bedroom, kitchen and living room, and 2 bathrooms to have one used as a laundry

If I can someday find a 2nd bedroom, I would place it over the laundry, and a 2nd roof might be enough to have a "full" roof over the whole house
The unused bathroom items (I used only a part of the 2nd set : walls, ground and the tiny shelf) will go in my Sylvanian house, for which I never managed to get furniture (out of my budget)

Still alive


this is gift from François, who will offer me those this summer for my "fête" (we celebrate our "fête" on a special day here, each day of the calendar is dedicated to a Saint, so we are mostly all named after a Saint, and we celebrate this particular day... I mean we used to... sounds like the tradition is getting lost)

Not a lot of additions to my village, I decided at some point that too much items is not that great, I can't focus anymore on what I already have and enjoy it fully. 
I had to sell a bunch of things, but not my Sylvanian yet. If I have to do it, I'll do. 

I don't really like most of the new buildings / accessories, I really prefer the oldies, and now that UK is no more in Europe, shipping cost and custom possible fees convinced me to just stop buying things. After a big moment of hysteria, where everythings costed a fortune on ebay and such, the "fashion" for Sylvanian is slowing down. At some point, I'm pretty sure some items will go back to a normal acceptable price. No way for me to spend a fortune on toys. I spend the few I have on animal and flora protection, it makes more sense to me to save some wildlife than getting a new toys. They must keep on being a leisure, a pleasure, not a competition or obsession. 
I have some things on my wish list, of course, but if I never get them...it's not the end of the world ! I'm pretty happy with what I already have. 
I also work a lot on new things, like scrapbooking, genealogy, and of course keep on working hard to try to repair what I can here. I no more have hot water or heating. Not that important. I also spend a lot of time gardening. 
I suffer a lot from my health troubles, from tumors to Ehlers-Danlos, I'm loosing sight too. I decided to simply stop medication, and I'm doing much better since then. I didn't suffer at all from lockdowns, it didn't change much to my daily life. I just spent more time focusing on important things. That's how I placed back to the right level the collecting. 
Life goes on... as far as possible !

3D card kit

  Please excuse the poor quality of the pictures, my camera is acting silly, I couldn't use the flash. My printer is an ink one, it'...