I'm really sorry that it took me so long to post something here, but my situation isn't getting any better.
The divorce is going to be a long nightmare, my health is really not helping, I can't have any medical appointment right now as I can't pay a single euro for it. I have no efficient help from the social system, and let's say it flat : everybody is just waiting for me to die.
Beside this, my collection it totally stopped. I don't even feel like any joy is envolved when I look at it, surely because I already know I'll have to sell most of it, and believe me it's awfully painful. I feel below zero, and that's why I stay as far as possible from the forums, boards, and other things, it's a little bit stupid, I know, but I just try to survive... First I kept looking at new things, but at some point the new design is not my cup of tea, and the older sets are far out from what I could/would spend, even if I had the money for... Sometimes a set or character was showing up, but as I could not afford it, even at a ridiculously low price, it made me more sad...
I also felt quite disappointed by a girl, to whom I bought and send a bunch of things, but as soon as I became too poor she vanished. I really hoped to find some sylvanian lovers in my country or even better in my area. But no. The only one I found asked me to pleaaaaaaaase help her get something, because it's was for her daughter that was ill and wanted it badly. I helped. And found she put the toys on a ebay-like website..Another one asked me to help her get some sets, I did. It was supposed to be for her kids for Xmas. She finally told me she didn't get the discount, that I gave her wrong infos, etc... And on Vinted here she was, with those sets to sell. Of course, when I contacted her she blocked me...There are a bunch of new collectors in my country, most are speculators, some just follow a fashion... But I don't find anymore the spirit I loved, I mean those people who really enjoy their toys, create things or stories etc. If you look at the facebook group it's just "I got for 2.000€ of new toys".. then all the others answer "I want them too"... and as soon as they get it "what can I do with it ??"... Huh... if you don't know, why did you ever bought them ? Not to mention those who buy from foreign websites, show the sets pretending it's their brand new favorite...and sell it in few days making a huge benefit. Gosh. I guess I'm too old, or maybe just not in the same mood....
So, as long as right now I don't even have enough to eat and pay my bills, I don't know if I'll be able to keep the house, I even start to believe that I'll have so sell a large part of my precious sysys... I just don't feel like looking at them anymore. Maybe if I pay less attention to them it will be less hard to sell some... I'm not sure, but...what can I do ?
Please, don't be upset if I don't enter a single trade, or if I don't update this blog anymore. I don't know if I'll ever be able to publish the things I wanted to publish (last DIY about the beach huts, the tikki bar, etc), it's quite heartbreaking, too much for I can just look at the pictures...
I tell it flat : I don't even have the money for a stamp, so...don't count me in for any trade. Sorry....
I'll see how things are evoluting, for now I keep the blog up, but maybe I'll simply close it someday. I just don't know....
I know it's not a very "happy" post, but that all I can do for now....
Point de croix, scrapbooking, home déco, tutos, couture, ventes. Cross stitch, embroidery, trades, scrapbooking, home deco, tutorials, sewing, sales, dolls, poupées, BJD, Pullip, dollhouse, Sylvanian, DDung, Hujoo
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